UPEI Cairo Campus

Engineering Accreditation and Licensing

UPEI Cairo’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering (FSDE) now proudly holds a distinguished triple accreditation and licensing, solidifying its position as the first International Branch Campus to achieve this recognition.

First, the Sustainable Design Engineering program has obtained equivalency recognition from the Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt. This underscores its alignment with local educational standards. Additionally, the program has been accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) in Canada, attesting to its quality and meeting international benchmarks. Moreover, the program has secured membership in the Egyptian Engineers Syndicate, marking its graduates as fully recognized and licensed engineers in Egypt.

This triple accreditation and licensing is a clear testament to the institution’s commitment to providing students with a world-class education. It also ensures their success in both domestic and global engineering fields.

Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB)

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering (FSDE) at UPEI Cairo has been granted accreditation from the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) in Canada.

The CEAB—a body of Engineers Canada—accredits undergraduate engineering programs to ensure they provide the academic requirements for licensure as a professional engineer in Canada. The CEAB exists to ensure Canada’s engineering education system remains among the best in the world by setting national standards for engineering education and providing expertise in assessing engineering education on behalf of the provincial and territorial engineering regulatory bodies. Visit CEAB website for more information.

The CEAB of Canada belongs to the Washington Accord, which also includes many other countries. The members of this Accord recognize the “substantial equivalence” of programs from any of these member countries in satisfying the academic requirements for the practice of engineering at the professional level in these countries. Refer to Washington Accord website for more information.

Egyptian Supreme Council

The Egyptian Supreme Council has deemed UPEI’s program to be equivalent to engineering degrees delivered by Egyptian universities.

Egyptian Engineers Syndicate

The Egyptian Engineers Syndicate has officially enlisted UPEI Cairo’s Sustainable Design Engineering program, under the division of Mechanical Engineering. This prestigious endorsement grants all graduates of UPEI sustainable Design Engineering program immediate access to syndicate membership and engineering licenses, bolstering their career prospects in Egypt and across borders. Check UPEI Cairo campus on Egyptian Engineers Syndicate website.

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